
Does Horizon protect my privacy?

Learn how Horizon protects your privacy and keeps your data secure.

Horizon takes privacy seriously. We believe in the fundamental right to privacy, and that can be proven by our commitments to transparency.

Your data is never sold.

We don't sell your data to third parties. We believe that your data is yours and yours alone. We never have and never will sell your data to advertisers or other companies.

No ads.

Horizon's software does not contain any ads. Ad banners and scripts often come with trackers, which allows big tech companies, like Google and Meta, to track you across various websites. As a result, we have taken a firm stance against the usage of ads.

No third-party analytics.

To improve our product, we use privacy-preserving first-party analytics software. This software does not collect any personally identifiable information, such as your IP address. Instead, it collects aggregate information to help us identify larger trends.

Since analytics are hosted first-party, your data never leaves Horizon. It is never shared with third parties.

Files are encrypted at least once, always.

In addition to togglable encryption, all files are stored encrypted with AES-256 at least once. Without Encryption toggled, your files are still encrypted with a global key at rest that Horizon has access to. Enabling Encryption in settings will encrypt your files again with another key that Horizon does not store.